![]() 10/10/2017 at 12:21 • Filed to: Don't ban me, Hot take, Confession | ![]() | ![]() |
The Skyline/GT-R, it does nothing for me. I am indifferent to its existence. I can’t bring myself to care about it at all. I find it as uninteresting as a 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity.
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I think it looks good, I just don’t understand the fanboyism that surrounds it. It’s not *that* great.
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I’d rather have a 911 turbo, but it’s still a cool car. R33 is also my favorite.
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The fanboyism probably is sort of a forbidden fruit kind of deal.
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I think it looks like an Accord that was inflated a bit and then riced from the factory.
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I used to feel that way, until I read Flavien Vidal’s piece about the R33 and how the AWD system uses the rear wheels until the fronts needed. I’ve always had a bias against symmetrical AWD on cars that primarily drive on pavement. And I was like.
“Oh, so it’s like a RWD car, but it’ll send power to the front so you won’t necessarily wrap it around a tree if you fuck up real bad.”
And I’ve also loved relatively small displacement engines that made a lot of power. So the pieces just fell together from there.
Now it’s the second car I would import if I could, behind the T W I N G O.
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I honestly don’t give a shit about the performance cred. The car simply does not make me feel anything. Reading a sewing machine manual will illicit the same response from me as reading reviews of the GT-R.
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Meh, it doesn’t quite warrant the fanboyism it receives, but it’s not a bad car either.
Reasonably good power, good AWD system, not too heavy, and good chassis.
It’s like a 2-door EVO or STI in some ways. They aren’t all that aesthetically pleasing, but they are a hoot to drive.
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Can’t say I disagree. Though the 911 turbo is in a different realm as far as cost (even on the used market).
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Wat? 85 celebrity? If not for the body at least it interesting for the technology behind the car. Like the ATTESA E-TS Pro all wheel drive system. An active LSD in 1995.
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Now that we can fly to Cuba, some of my friends have flown the trip and bought some Cigars. Oh those heavenly forbidden cigars that rich people in movies swoon over because, “They’re Cuban!” ohhhh did that mean they’re also really good?
They may be good cigars but not any better than anything you can get at any store in the US. Growing up with the GT-R as the much lauded pinnacle of super-powered awesomeness will make the desire strong, but then think about the James May look at the Lamborghini Countach. It was on all of our school years bedroom wall posters, but when it was driven, it wasn’t enjoyable.
I’m sure it’s a great car. I bet half the greatness is carried over fanboy hype.
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Except for the 996, which is crazy cheap for what you get. Otherwise yes
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Wow those last two sentences just put me to sleep.
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Yeah, but the ‘85 Celebrity had a 2 bbl 2.8 with tiny rod journals, AND fixed-back front seats!
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See? You’re agreeing with me and I find even that statement boring.
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The R34 is one of the most beautiful cars ever made and fuck you if you disagree. The R32 and R33 are only slightly overrated in the same sense as FB and FC RX-7's it’s just the earlier GT-R’s had an engine worth more than a bag of rocks so hype proportioned accordingly.
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I was shopping for unlocked phones while writing that. what?
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More interesting than a Celebrity. But not much.
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Sorry, what were we talking about?
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The ones in good shape without too many miles are still over 40, while an R32 goes for around 30 or less in similar condition.
Not a huge difference, but not insubstantial when looking for a deal on a car that you are likely (read: should be) paying cash for.
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That is a bad opinion, and while thats fine, how do you not see why they’re special? Especially the r33?
Now I mean I get not liking the gtr if you don’t like any of the other 90s Japanese sportscars that utilized the same technology to push performance boundaries.
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I think the best part is the name. SKYLINE. Just think of it like this, you’re driving a long way to visit a new town. there on the horizon as you approach you see it, that skyline. the outline of the big city with all it’s hopes and dreams. the potential of what lies with in. but the closer you get the more you notice it’s just a bunch of bus depots filled with crack head, self storage lots, and half empty office buildings and a tim hortons that closes at 5 pm. wooooooo
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The name is very aspirational and optimistic, yes. The rest of the car is dreary.
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Honestly there’s not a ton of (modern) Japanese cars that I like. I’d own a 300zx or an NSX but not much else.
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Your take is bad and you should feel bad.
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But I don’t feel bad. I don’t feel anything at all.
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I think most people like it because they think of “the potential”.
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It’s like saying a Mustang Boss 302 is not “that” great or better yet a Lancia Delta Integrale Evo is not “that” great. They were great. They are a recognized name for a reason.
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lol comparing it to a celebrity is “not a car guy” status IMO. It’s like comparing the current Mustang GT350 to a Pinto. On top of that this car has victories, might as well say the Lancia Delta Integrale Evo isn’t interesting.
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Found the Skyline fanboi!
And of course the Delta is cool. Only a heartless bastard would think otherwise.
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lol I am not a fanboy. I own a GTS-T, sure, but I think the JZX90 is a better car and only bought this car because it was the best car of it’s type to import in 2014. As far as the Skyline GTR goes it’s very much like saying an EVO or STI or any car like that is uninteresting. It’s an odd opinion, lol. Especially since this car actually has a history behind it.
The Skyline is the first Japanese car to contend with Porsche in GT racing in the 60s, it’s GTR version in R32 chassis is a very winning sports car racer, it’s very popular in circuit racing builds to this day across the world, etc.
And I don’t get how the Delta is cool but the Skyline is not. They have an equivalent racing history and the Skyline is a far better road car on top of it. A Delta is a nightmare to own and it is just a 4 cylinder on top of it. The chassis also isn’t very good and is known to crack even. I seriously considered importing one until I read how bad they were.
Are you one of those guys who only likes Europeon cars or something? I’ve met quite a few of them that irrationally hate Skylines and other Japanese cars like the Supra and RX7. If you think the RX7 is the same, particular the FD, as the Skyline in your opinion then you need to unregister your account lol.
It’s funny like if you can stack this car up to a car that you like and how they are very equivalent hating it is just completely irrational. Might as well say you hate the E30 M3 next, which you won’t if my eurofan idea is correct.
If you go on how it’s “souless” or whatever i’ll just go away lmaoing. People used to say that nonsense about all japanese cars back in the day and it’s never been true and it’s all about the cars being Japanese.
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Fanboi status confirmed.
And to further confuse you, I don’t care for the E30.
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I’m just sick of them getting hyped up like they’re the best things since sliced bread. Actually I’m just sick of the hype around those 90s Japanese sports cars in general
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That might explain it. Honestly some of these 90s Japanese cars may look basic, or like how the gtr is an extreme version of the skyline sedan/coupe platform, the hype comes from very real performance. This isn’t some made up excitement over the car, it’s a quite good car that still possesses the look of the 90s coupe for which it’s based. Subaru does the exact same thing with the sti, looks like an Impreza with quite a lot of body and performance differences, does the sti look like a celebrity too you?
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I’m not saying it wasn’t great... The Boss and the Lancia don’t get the rabid fanboy attention that the GTR does. To GTR fans, it’s a four wheeled Jesus.
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- Don’t get offended it’s all subjective anyways type comment goes here -
I am divided on the matter. I consider the R32 to be one of the all time greats, and the R33 while less significant was despite what most people will tell you an all around better car. The R34 meanwhile is more of a pop cultural phenomenon I don’t particularly like. It was also the least successful in motorsports, not counting the prematurely aborted C110.
My favourite GT-R will always be the 1997 BCNR33
They also have garbage interiors across the board.
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It receives the same emotional response from me.
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Honestly if you hate all the affordable performance cars with standard car platform mates I have nothing else too say.
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Please, tell me how a GT-R is affordable.
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Yes in Japan they are affordable, do you really expect something that needs to travel on a boat to be cheap here too?
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Exactly. What’s so amazing about this car that people go through all that trouble and expense to import them?
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Because they WANT something, it’s free will. Is pay an arm and a leg for the skyline experience too. What your saying is that a car is bad because it’s boring and you don’t care about the performance behind it. If you don’t care about performance than you won’t see the value!
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I understand and respect the performance, but the car doesn’t make me feel anything. I don’t like it or dislike it. It’s just there.
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Well that’s ok, lots of cars can do that. But not seeing why someone wants something is no reason to thinks it’s bad. Honestly a market is what people are willing to pay to enjoy something, that’s why they’ve gotten expensive.
On a more freindly note, what cars do you like if your not into modern Japanese cars?
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Welp then sorry you cant be helped, just another fast and furious hater.
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His comments didn’t seem very fanboy-ish to me.
Looked more like he was assuming you just don’t know much about the GT-R and thus you don’t find it interesting.
![]() 10/12/2017 at 09:41 |
I am also indifferent to its existence. However, the R33 is easily the best-looking Skyline